IRP introduces real-time 2D and 3D navigation

 -  Available in: Nederlands Nederlands

IRP launches combined 2D and 3D navigation. This duo navigation provides a much clearer view of the current location in the model, including information on the floor.

A new optional 2D view has been added to BIMkeeper. By enabling the new feature users can now view their exact location in the 3D IFC-viewer. Navigating in 3D is often not that simple, for example because it is quite difficult to understand on which floor the user is currently viewing. 

Navigating in the model is easier once the first person camera, situated on the bottom right of the viewer ('Walker), has been activated. Especially navigating inside large and complex models the 3D navigation might get confusing. The 2D minimap gives the user a clear view of the floor plan and th their current location. Switching floors can be done pressing the PgUp and PgDn buttons.

Besides clarifying the current floor and position, the blue dot representing the camera. also shows the user where the camera is looking at. The small blue line on the dot shows in wich direction the camera is looking. 

In the video the user navigates on the ground floor of the Hoevesteijn estate, from the outside of the building to the inside. Especially on the inside the 2D minimap shows it's added value, because navigating outside on the ground layer, will be clear for everyone.

IRP baseert al zijn webdevelopment op de ISO 19650-standaard voor de ontwikkeling en volledige levenscyclus van gebouwen. Voorheen bekend als de BSI 1192-X. Deze standaard is inmiddels bijna volledig in BIMkeeper geïmplementeerd.
